====== 엔들리스 모드 ====== 무한(엔드리스) 모드는 클래식 모드를 클리어하면 플레이 할 수 있는 모드입니다. 클래식 모드와는 다르게 코스트 제한이 15이기 때문에 더 강력한 포켓몬들을 스타팅으로 넣을 수 있게 됩니다. 무한모드는 이름처럼 스테이지가 무한이지만 현재까지는 5850 웨이브까지 존재합니다. 5850 웨이브를 클리어하면 아래와 같은 문구가 표시됩니다. "Congratulations on reaching the current end! More content is coming soon." (끝에 도달하신 걸 축하합니다 더 많은 콘텐츠 커밍 순~) ===== 바이옴 ===== 엔들리스 모드에서는 1~4웨이브마다 바이옴이 변경됩니다. How many waves you stay in a biome is randomly determined. The percent chance of changing biomes increases the more waves you stay in one. Just like classic mode, Endless Mode switches biomes in the same order that the [[biomes:biomes#traveling_between_biomes|chart]] shows. You are sent to a new random biome after each wave 50 boss. Whenever the biome changes, all of your Pokémon will be returned to their Pokéballs. This also removes any stat changes. There is no Map item in Endless Mode. ===== 보스 ===== Every 50 waves you will face off against a random Paradox Boss, every 250 waves you will face off against Eternatus, and every 1000 waves you will face off against Eternamax Eternatus. Every 50 waves you complete you will also be given a Token. In Classic Mode, every 10 waves is a Boss Pokémon. Boss Pokémon have [[gameplay:mechanics#boss_shields|shields on their health]] that make it harder to make them faint. In Endless Mode this is also true. However, the higher up you get in waves the more common Boss Pokémon are on waves below 10. These Boss Pokémon spawn using the Boss tables from their respective [[biomes:biomes|biome]]. ===== 토큰 ===== Tokens are items that your enemy Pokémon receive for every 50 waves completed. They are permanent buffs to them, or debuffs to you. Below is a table with all of the current Tokens in the game. ^ 토큰 |^ 효과 ^ 최대 개수 ^ | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_item_drop.png?nolink|}} | Damage Token | Increases enemy's damage by 5% | 999 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_guard_spec.png?nolink|}} | Protection Token | Reduces damage dealt to enemies by 2.5% | 999 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_potion.png?nolink|}} | Recovery Token | Heals 2% of enemy's max HP every turn | 15 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_full_heal.png?nolink|}} | Full Heal Token | Adds a 10% chance to heal an enemy's status condition at the end of every turn | 5 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_reset_urge.png?nolink|}} | Endure Token | Adds a 2.5% chance that an enemy will endure your attack (OHKOs bypass this) | 10 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_custom_spliced.png?nolink|}} | Fusion Token | Adds a 1% chance that a wild Pokémon will be a fusion | 10 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_antidote.png?nolink|}} | Poison Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Poison when hit by an opponent | 5 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_paralyze_heal.png?nolink|}} | Paralyze Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Paralysis when hit by an opponent | 5 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_awakening.png?nolink|}} | Sleep Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Sleep when hit by an opponent | 5 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_ice_heal.png?nolink|}} | Freeze Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Freeze when hit by an opponent | 5 | | {{gameplay:tokens:wl_burn_heal.png?nolink|}} | Burn Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Burn when hit by an opponent | 5 |