
Translations of this page:

Endless has now gotten a revamp! Instead of random biomes every floor now the game now progresses through a random number of floors on a biome before moving onto the next one.

The effectiveness of damage, protection, and endure tokens have been halved to hopefully allow more variety in Endless runs.

Status tokens are also now given in a random order.

No, your egg moves changing is not a bug, there's been a large amount of egg move updates!

Dynamax has been buffed! Dynamax'd Pokemon now can no longer be disabled, flinched, or affected by weight moves. Wait, what's that rumbling I hear behind me…?

Mega Gallade now gets Sharpness instead of Inner Focus so it doesn't do less damage than its un-mega'd counterpart

Mantyke evolution changed to level 32

OHKO moves now have 200 base power when used against a boss


  • Magic Powder
  • Stomping Tantrum
  • Temper Flare
  • Snap Trap
  • Flying Press


  • Toxic Debris
  • Anticipation
  • Liquid Ooze
  • Steam Engine
  • Hospitality


  • n/a

Trainer shinies no longer increase the seen count for shinies

More language support (French and Spanish)

Certain evolved Pokemon now have the opportunity to relearn moves

Eggs no longer hatch on the last wave of a run

2 new save slots

Wide Lens now no longer makes you less accurate in certain edge cases

Weather now persists through a refresh

Fixed menu cursor wrapping bug

Trumbeak evolves at its proper level now

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/changelog/4212024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/27 00:43
  • by akumareiki