
Translations of this page:

There's been a shake-up to the way shiny Pokemon affect item reward rolls! There's now a visible stat “luck” that displays how likely it is for each item reward to randomly upgrade. How does it work? Maybe the new shiny variants hold some kind of clue?

To celebrate this new change, there is a double shiny weekend that lasts until 4/29! Good luck!

More egg moves have been updated! If you see any changes, don't freak out!

Stats are now aggregated together

Deoxys now has form changes


  • Flying Press
  • Baton Pass
  • Assurance
  • Mind Blown
  • Explosion
  • Psycho Shift
  • Abilities
  • Moody
  • Stakeout
  • Analytic
  • Damp




  • Stats are now aggregated together
  • More language support (French, Spanish, and German)
  • Move power and category shows up in the battle menu
  • Added the ability to see a Pokemon's stats while learning a move
  • Seen legendaries and mythics are now tracked properly
  • Unnerve only displays once per battle
  • Endless shop prices are capped


Sprite fixes for Combusken and Grovyle

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/changelog/4262024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/02 23:01
  • by akumareiki