
Translations of this page:

PokéRogue Community Code of Conduct


Welcome to the PokéRogue Team! To maintain a positive, kind, and productive environment, we've established this Code of Conduct. By participating in this community, you agree to adhere to these guidelines.

Respect and Inclusivity

  • Be Respectful: Treat all community members with respect. Personal attacks, harassment, off-handed comments, or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated.
  • Be Inclusive: Encourage participation from all members, regardless of their experience level. Remember to be patient with newcomers, they may not have the same skills or knowledge as you.


  • Be Collaborative: Please work together with other members of the community to create the best possible Wiki. Respect different viewpoints and always work together, we’re a team after all.
  • Provide Feedback: Always make sure to offer constructive feedback to others, and always be open to receiving feedback on your contributions.


  • Always Assume The Best: Assume that other contributors are trying to improve the wiki. If you encounter an issue with someone else, or their work, address it calmly and respectfully.
  • Avoid Fighting: Discussion and argument are natural when discussing information, but please refrain from engaging in edit wars or heated arguments. If a serious dispute occurs, please seek mediation from an editor or admin.

Reporting and Enforcement

  • Report Violations: If you observe behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct, report it to Wiki Staff. Please provide specific details, such as screenshots or message links, to help them address the issue.
  • Enforcement: The moderators will investigate reported violations and take appropriate action. This may include warnings, the removal of permissions, or permanent bans for severe or repeated offences.


Wiki Leads

  • Role of Wiki Leads: Leads are the individuals responsible for curating and maintaining the Wiki itself. Ultimately, projects are decided and managed by the Wiki Leads, while day to day operations may be subject to Editor decisions.
  • Respect Wiki Leads: Respect the decisions and authority of the Wiki Leads. If you disagree with one of their decisions, feel free to bring up your own ideas, we’re a team after all!


  • Role of Editors: Editors are responsible for working on active projects, maintaining the wiki and solidifying information. They have the authority to make decisions regarding violations and disputes.
  • Respect Editors: Respect the decisions and authority of the Editors. If you disagree with an Editor’s decision, you may appeal it respectfully.


  • Role of Translator: Translators are the reason we have such a multilingual Wiki, as Translators do similar work to Editors, but for their own languages.
  • Respect other Translators: Respect the writing and decisions of other Translators. Please give the same trust, respect, and courtesy that you would give any of the staff, regardless of language.


  • Role of Contributor: Contributors are the backbone of the Wiki, submitting a large majority of edits that correct and clarify the information visible to all. Remember to follow contribution guidelines, and feel free to make as many as you want! Welcome to the team! :)
  • Respect other Contributors: Respect the writing and decisions of fellow Contributors. If you disagree with another Contributor’s edits, feel free to make another edit to correct it, that’s the nature of information after all!

Contributing and Approval Process


  • Quality Content: Ensure that your contributions are factual, accurate, helpful, and relevant. Vandalism, misinformation, and spam are strictly prohibited.
  • Constructive Edits: When editing existing content, aim to improve it. Avoid making unnecessary or malicious changes.

Approval Process

  • Submission: When you make a contribution, it will be submitted for review by an Editor.
  • Review: An Editor will review your submission to ensure it complies with our guidelines and adds value to the wiki.
  • Feedback: If your submission requires changes, the moderator will provide feedback. Please address the feedback and resubmit for approval.
  • Approval: Once the submission meets the required standards, the moderator will approve it, and it will become visible to the public.
  • Timeliness: Moderators strive to review and approve submissions in a timely manner. If you are not given feedback within 72 hours, please reach out to a moderator for assistance.

Read Me

Thank you for being a part of the PokéRogue community! By following this Code of Conduct, you can help create a welcoming, kind, and productive environment for everyone.

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/wiki/codeofconduct.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 22:48
  • by hiltnpizza