도구 목록

경고! 스포일러가 일부 있으니, 스포 없이 게임을 플레이하시려면 뒤로가기를 눌러주세요.

참조 : 원하는 도구가 나올 확률을 알고 싶다면, 원하는 도구의 가중치를 해당 그룹의 총 가중치로 나누면 됩니다.

참조 : 최대 개수는 동시에 가지고 있을 수 있는 도구 개수를 말합니다. 전체 적용 도구의 경우 총 개수의 최대치에 해당하며, 지닐 수 있는 도구의 경우 개별 포켓몬마다 지닐 수 있는 최대치입니다.

  • Common Items
  • Great Items
  • Ultra Items
  • Rogue Items
  • Master Items

Common Items

Minimum weight of the pool: 57

Maximum weight of the pool: 81

Item Weight Max Stack Details
Pokeball 6 99
  • Receive one Poké Ball.
    • Catch Rate: 1x

Rare Candy 2

  • Increases a Pokémon's level by 1.
  • The amount of levels increased can be increased if the player has Candy Jars.

Potion 0 - 9

  • Restores 20 HP or 10% HP for one Pokémon, whichever is higher.
  • This base weight increases by 3 per party member with 87.5% or less HP, or 10 or more damage.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Super Potion 0 - 3

  • Restores 50 HP or 25% HP for one Pokémon, whichever is higher.
  • This base weight increases by 1 per party member with 75% or less HP, or 25 or more damage.
  • Maximum weight of 3.

Ether 0 - 9

  • Restores 10 PP for one Pokémon move.
  • This base weight increases by 3 per non fainted party member with moves that have 5 or less PP remaining.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Max Ether 0 - 3

  • Restore all PP for one Pokémon move
  • This base weight increases by 1 per non-fainted party member with moves that have 5 or less PP remaining.
  • Maximum weight of 3.

Lure 2

  • Doubles the chance of an encounter being a double battle for 5 turns.

X Attack 4

  • Increases the Attack of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

X Defense 4

  • Increases the Defense of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

X Sp. Atk 4

  • Increases the Sp. Atk of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

X Sp. Def 4

  • Increases the Sp. Def of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

X Speed 4

  • Increases the Speed of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

X Accuracy 4

  • Increases the Accuracy of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

Apicot Berry 2 3

  • Raises Sp. Def if HP is below 25%.

Enigma Berry 2 2

  • Restores 25% HP if hit by a super effective move.

Ganlon Berry 2 3

  • Raises Defense if HP is below 25%.

Lansat Berry 2 3

  • Raises critical hit ratio if HP is below 25%.

Liechi Berry 2 3

  • Raises Attack if HP is below 25%.

Lum Berry 2 2

  • Cures any non-volatile status condition and confusion.

Leppa Berry 2 2

  • Restores up to 10 PP to a move when that move reaches 0 PP.

Petaya Berry 2 3

  • Raises Sp. Atk if HP is below 25%.

Salac Berry 2 3

  • Raises Speed if HP is below 25%.

Sitrus Berry 2 2

  • Restores 25% HP if HP is below 50%.

Starf Berry 2 3

  • Sharply raises a random stat if HP is below 25%.

TM - Common 2