
Translations of this page:

Minimum weight of the pool: 26

Maximum weight of the pool: 171

Item Weight Max Stack Details
Great Ball 6 99
Full Heal 0 - 18
  • This base weight increases by 6 per non fainted party member with status effect.
  • Maximum weight of 18.

Revive 0 - 27

  • Revives one Pokémon and restores 50% HP.
  • This base weight increases by 9 per fainted party member.
  • Maximum weight of 27.

Max Revive 0 - 9

  • This base weight increases by 3 per fainted party member.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Sacred Ash 0 - 1

  • Only if half or more of the party is fainted.

Hyper Potion 0 - 9

  • This base weight increases by 3 per party member with 62.5% or less HP, or 100 or more damage.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Max Potion 0 - 3

  • This base weight increases by 1 per party member with 50% or less HP, or 150 or more damage.
  • Maximum weight of 3.

Full Restore 0 - 9

  • This base weight increases by 1.5 per:
    • Party member with 50% or less HP.
    • Non-fainted party member with 150 HP lost.
    • Non-fainted party member with status effect.
    • A party member can count for both of the last two criterias.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Elixir 0 - 9

  • This base weight increases by 3 per non fainted party member with moves that have 5 or less PP remaining.
  • Maximum weight of 9.

Max Elixir 0 - 3

  • This base weight increases by 1 per non fainted party member with moves that have 5 or less PP remaining.
  • Maximum weight of 3.

Dire Hit 4

  • Increases the critical-hit ratio of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles.

PP Up 2

  • Permanently increases PP for one Pokémon move by 1 for every 5 maximum PP (maximum 3).
  • Can only be applied 3 times to a single move.

Super Lure 4

  • Doubles the chance of an encounter being a double battle for 10 battles.

Nugget 5

  • Grants a small amount of money.
  • Can't appear on wave 199 of Classic and Challenge mode.

Evolution Items 1 - 8

  • Evolution Items can appear if a Pokémon that can evolve by one is in a player's party.
  • The weight for these items begins at 1 and increases as waves are completed, up to a maximum of 8.
  • Evolution Item Weight Formula:
    $\text{Weight} = \left\lceil\frac{\text{Wave No.}}{15} \right\rceil$

Map 1 1

  • Only in classic mode.

TM - Great 3

Memory Mushroom 1 - 4

  • Memory Mushroom Weight Formula:
    $\text{Weight} = \frac{\text{Highest Lv. Party Member}}{20} $
  • Minimum weight of 1
  • Maximum weight of 4.

Base Stat Booster

  • A Pokémon can only use as many Vitamins as they have IVs in each individual stat.
    • For example, if a Pokémon has 31 speed IVs they can use up to 31 Carbos.
    • If a Pokémon has 15 attack IVs they can only use up to 15 Proteins.

Tera Shard 1
DNA Splicers 4

  • Only in Spliced Endless, can still only appear if you have 2 or more unspliced Pokémon in your party.

Voucher 1

  • Weight is 0 after rerolling.

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/items/pool/great.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/26 17:46
  • by smew