Table of Contents

PokéRogue의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

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로그라이크 요소들에는 어떤 것이 있나요?

Meta progression is the name of the game. Every time you start a run, everything that you caught, hatched, and unlocked previously will be available to you.

UI 살펴보기

스타터 선택 창(포켓몬 도감)

This is what you first see each time you start a new game. Put simply, it is every Starter Pokémon you can choose from to build your team.

1 Pokémon Details Here you can see detailed information about the highlighted Pokémon.
2 Generation Selection Here you can change the generation to see the other Pokémon you have access to. Scroll up and down.
3 Box Here are all of the Pokémon you have access to build your team with.
4 Pokémon Added to Party Here is your team of Pokémon you've selected to bring on your journey. You may have up to 6.
5 Options As you catch and hatch more Pokémon, you will unlock additional abilities, natures, and more! Cycle through each Pokémon's options here to your liking.
6 Points & Start You have a limit of points based off your game mode, try and fill it the best you can. Click start to begin your adventure.

포켓몬 세부 정보 구역

The left side of the Starter Select Screen has all of the details for the Pokémon you scroll over to. You can customize your Starter Pokémon here to have the abilities, moves, and so on you want before adding them to your team.

Click here to see the Pokémon Details.

박스 구역

The right side of the Starter Select Screen has all of the Starter Pokémon you can choose from to build your team. Scroll around. There are also icons and sprite variations to show various aspects and unlocks.

Click here to see the Box Section.

By pressing Z or Spacebar on keyboard or A on mobile/controller you will open the Pokémon's menu. Here you can:


1 Passive Boost Items Each item that gives a passive boost to the game or your Pokémon.
2 Your Pokémon's Held Items Each Held Item on your current Pokémon.
3 Opposing Pokémon's Held Items Each Held Item on the opposing Pokémon.
4 Wave Counter The current wave you are on.
5 Money The current amount of Pokédollars you have to buy Shop Items, such as Potions or Revives.
6 Biome You can tell which Biome you are in based on the background artwork.
7 Nameplate See below for details.
8 Level-cap There are also level-caps for your Pokémon in PokéRogue. For every 10 waves completed, the level-cap increases. You can see you are at the level-cap by your Pokémon's level number turning red. Check here for more details.
9 Menu This is where you can select what to do on your turn in battle. Use Moves, Throw a Pokéball, Open the Pokémon Party, or Attempt to Run.

포켓몬 정보 창


Every Pokémon will have some of the following icons on their nameplate. Each of these tells the player something about the Pokémon.

From left to right along the top, there is:

From left to right along the bottom, there is:

Click here to see the Legacy UI Nameplate.

상점 & 전투 보상

After most battles are completed, you enter the Shop before continuing on in your journey. This gives you a break from battle and lets you buy common Shop items as well as choose one free reward item from random drops. You can check the different rarity drop rates here.

As you progress through the waves, you may encounter certain items that change your gameplay experience. Make sure to check out the Items Page for more details.You won't be rewarded if you run away from a battle.


1 Shop Items You can buy as many of these Shop Items as you can afford, just make sure to do it before selecting your reward.
2 After-Battle Rewards You can select one of these rewards for free. The number of options increases as you progress. You can see all of the items here.
3 Money The current amount of Pokédollars you have to buy Shop Items.
4 Luck Your Luck grade is dependent upon having Shiny Pokémon in your party, not fainted. Luck increases your odds of having an After-Battle Reward upgrade to the next rarity tier. You can see the upgrade below.
5 Reroll You can choose to reroll the After-Battle Rewards for a new set of random rewards for a price.
6 Transfer Move your held items between the Pokémon in your party. (Vitamins and Form Change items are non-transferable)

Click here to see an After-Battle Reward upgrade in rarity tiers.

게임 모드

각 게임 모드에 대한 자세한 가이드는 다음에서 확인할 수 있습니다.여기.


챔피언이 되기 위한 트레이너의 모험 이야기를 로그라이크 진행 방식에 맞게 재구성했습니다.

클래식 모드에서는 포켓몬과의 유대관계를 시험합니다. 야생 포켓몬과 트레이너는 물론 체육관 리더, 보스 포켓몬, 사천왕과 챔피언에게 도전할 수 있습니다. 그리고 물론 라이벌도 있습니다.

데일리 런

모든 사람에게 동일한 사전에 구성된 포켓몬으로 매일 초기화되는 고정 트라이얼입니다. 일일 순위표에 오르기 위해 최선을 다해 이겨보세요.

추가 모드

시크릿 게임 모드를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.

PokéRogue와 본가 게임의 주요 차이점