
Translations of this page:

DNA Splicer Item

Item Rarity Drop Chance
DNA Splicer Master (0.1%) 2/9 (22.22%)

Max pool weight used

In Spliced Endless Mode, DNA Splicer is moved to Great Ball Tier

You need 2 unspliced Pokemon in your party for the DNA Spicer item to appear in the Master Ball item pool

Fusion Mechanics

  • You may use the DNA Splicer item on 2 non-spliced Pokemon in your party. The first Pokemon you choose is the 'Primary' and the second Pokemon you choose is the 'Sacrifice'.
  • You can unfuse your creation for free at any time from the party menu, but the 2nd Pokemon (the Sacrifice) WILL BE LOST.
  • Once you choose to unsplice your creation, the Sacrifice is lost and your Typing, Ability, and Luck return to the original from the Primary.
    • You can then splice again once you get another DNA Splicer item.

Example: Splicing Manaphy and Phione would result in the Base Stats averaging to 90 for all 6 stats.

Each stat is averaged independently. The Base Stats are different from the numbers in the Pokemon's Summary stats page.

Base Stats Averaged Manaphy Phione Fusion
HP 100 80 90
Attack 100 80 90
Defense 100 80 90
Sp. Atk 100 80 90
Sp. Def 100 80 90
Speed 100 80 90
Total 600 480 540
  • Immediately after fusion, your creation learns all 4 moves from the sacrificed pokemon, letting you choose which 4 moves out of the 8 you want to keep.
    • When you unsplice, the current moves learned are kept.
  • When you use a Memory Mushroom on your creation you can choose to relearn any move from both Pokemon's learnsets.
    • When you unsplice, the Memory Mushroom no longer can relearn the Sacrificed Pokemon's learnset.
  • All held items on each of the 2 Pokemon are combined (including vitamins) with any amount over the hold limit lost. You can check the held item limits here.
The 1st Pokemon (Primary) The 2nd Pokemon (Sacrifice)
1st Or Only Type 2nd Or Only Type (Unless it is the same)
Passive Ability Main Ability
Current Level, IVs, Nature -
Luck Added Together Luck Added Together
  • You CAN use a Mega Stone or any other form changing items on the Primary Pokemon post-fusion. However, you CANNOT use these items on the Sacrificed Pokemon post-fusion.
    • Once fused, the Sacrificed Pokemon cannot change form. However, you can use these items prior to fusion to keep the effects.
  • If the 2nd Pokemon is dual-type and its 2nd type is the same as the 1st Pokemon's 1st type, then it takes the other typing instead. See Fusion Example.
  • If the 2nd Pokemon is mono-type, and that type is the same as the 1st Pokemon's 1st type, then it takes the typing of the original pokemon. (E.g. Water + Flying fused with Water will result in Water + Flying)
  • Fusing 2 shiny Pokemon will combine their Luck points until unfused.
  • When using a fused Pokemon, Candy Friendship is split between both Pokemon in the fusion.

Fusion Example

Choosing a Charizard 1st that is:

  • Fire/Flying type
  • Main Ability Blaze
  • Passive Ability Sheer Force
  • Level 50
  • 15 on all IVs
  • Modest Nature
  • Common Shiny (1 Luck)

And a Houndoom 2nd that is:

  • Dark/Fire type
  • Main Ability Early Bird
  • Passive Ability Intimidate
  • Level 40
  • Perfect IVs
  • Adamant Nature
  • Common Shiny (1 Luck)

Will result in creating:

Type Fire/Dark Because Houndoom's 2nd type is the same as Charizard's 1st type
Main Ability Early Bird From Houndoom
Passive Ability Sheer Force From Charizard
Level Level 50 From Charizard
IVs 15 on all IVs From Charizard
Nature Modest Nature From Charizard
Luck 2 From Charizard + Houndoom
Base Stats Averaged Charizard Houndoom Fusion
HP 78 75 76.5
Attack 84 90 87
Defense 78 50 64
Sp. Atk 109 110 109.5
Sp. Def 85 80 82.5
Speed 100 95 97.5
Total 534 500 517
  • You CAN give Charizard Mega Stones and Max Mushrooms post-fusion.
  • You CANNOT give Houndoom its Mega Stone post-fusion.
  • If you unsplice, Houndoom will be lost and Charizard returns back to being Fire/Flying type with its Main Ability Blaze and 1 Luck.

Catching Wild Spliced Pokemon

Catching wild spliced Pokemon only affect the 1st Pokemon (the Primary) in the fusion.

Upon catching a wild spliced Pokemon you will:

  • Only unlock the starter of the 1st Pokemon.
  • Only gain candy for the starter of the 1st Pokemon.
  • Only unlock the Ability, Gender, Form, Shiny Variant, IVs, and Nature for the starter of the 1st Pokemon.

If the ability has yellow text, it means the 1st Pokemon has a hidden ability.

The pokeball indicator by their name still respects the 1st Pokemon in regards to whether you've caught the 1st Pokemon, and their Ability, Gender, Form, or Shiny Variant.

If you catch a wild spliced Pokemon, and you add it to your party, it remains fused as is until you decide to unfuse it.

If the wild fusion is shiny, it means the 1st Pokemon is shiny.

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/gameplay/mechanics/fusion.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/12 21:15
  • by bob730