
Translations of this page:

Rare biomes are ones which involve a chance to enter. As per the information on rare_biomes, these rare biomes are Island, Wasteland, Fairy Cave, Space, and Laboratory. If you just want to find these biomes, then the information on that page is sufficient. However, if you want to fight the gym leaders in those locations and claim their vouchers, that's another story. These routes are the shortest found by the community to fight gym leaders in these rare biomes.

This guide assumes you are able to find the map item early, or that the routes described happen to be the path you are taken on before finding the map. If you find yourself on a different route before getting the map, you may use the “(gym)” markers in the described routes to orient yourself. Keep in mind, there are only 6 gym fights in a single run.

One important mechanic to keep in mind during standard or challenge gameplay is your first gym leader could be at wave 20 or 30. As such, routes have been created for either scenario.

The only gym leader here is Nessa.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave in route 50

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Lake
40 Beach
50 Island (gym)

Should one fail the 25% chance of getting into Island from Beach assuming 1st gym at wave 20, waves 50-140

Final wave of area Area
50 Sea (gym)
60 Seabed
70 Cave
80 Lake (gym)
90 Swamp
100 Tall Grass
110 Cave (gym)
120 Lake
130 Beach
140 Island (gym)

Alternate recovery assuming 1st gym at wave 20, waves 50-140

Final wave of area Area
50 Sea (gym)
60 Ice Cave
70 Snowy Forest
80 Lake (gym)
90 Swamp
100 Tall Grass
110 Cave (gym)
120 Lake
130 Beach
140 Island (gym)

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 90

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Lake (gym)
40 Swamp
50 Tall Grass
60 Cave (gym)
70 Lake
80 Beach
90 Island (gym)

The recovery routes for first gym at wave 20 can be adjusted by adding 40 to each wave number

The gym leaders here are Clair, Draydon, and Raihan.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave in route 80

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Grassy Field
40 Tall Grass
50 Cave (gym)
60 Badlands
70 Mountain
80 Wasteland (gym)

Recovery for if the 33% chance misses, waves 80-140

Final wave of area Area
80 Volcano (gym)
90 Beach
100 Sea
110 Ice Cave (gym)
120 Snowy Forest
130 Mountain
140 Wasteland (gym)

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 90

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Lake (gym)
40 Swamp
50 Tall Grass
60 Cave (gym)
70 Badlands
80 Mountain
90 Wasteland (gym)

Recovery is basically the same as starting your gym cylce on wave 20, just add 10 waves

The gym leaders here are Bede, Opal, and Valerie.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave in route 110

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Grassy Field
40 Tall Grass
50 Cave (gym)
60 Lake
70 Swamp
80 Tall Grass (gym)
90 Forest
100 Meadow
110 Fairy Forest (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The second route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave at wave 110

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Lake
40 Construction Site
50 Dojo (gym)
60 Plains
70 Grassy Field
80 Tall Grass (gym)
90 Forest
100 Meadow
110 Fairy Forest (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The third route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave at wave 110

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Grassy Field
40 Tall Grass
50 Cave (gym)
60 Badlands
70 Desert
80 Ancient Ruins (gym)
90 Forest
100 Meadow
110 Fairy Cave (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The fourth route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave at wave 170

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Metropolis
40 Slum
50 Construction Site (gym)
60 Dojo
70 Plains
80 Metropolis (gym)
90 Slum
100 Construction Site
110 Dojo (gym)
120 Plains
130 Grassy Field
140 Tall Grass (gym)
150 Forest
160 Meadow
170 Fairy Forest (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 120

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Metropolis (gym)
40 Slum
50 Construction Site
60 Dojo (gym)
70 Plains
80 Grassy Field
90 Tall Grass (gym)
100 Forest
110 Meadow
120 Fairy Forest (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The second route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 120

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Grassy Field (gym)
40 Tall Grass
50 Forest
60 Jungle (gym)
70 Temple
80 Swamp
90 Tall Grass (gym)
100 Forest
110 Meadow
120 Fairy Forest (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Fairy Forest if you fail the coinflip to enter it from Meadow.

The only gym leader here is Olympia

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave in route 110

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Lake
40 Swamp
50 Tall Grass (gym)
60 Cave
70 Lake
80 Swamp (gym)
90 Graveyard
100 Abyss
110 Space (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Space if you fail the 33% chance to enter it from Abyss.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 110

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Grassy Field (gym)
40 Tall Grass
50 Cave
60 Lake (gym)
70 Swamp
80 Tall Grass
90 Forest (gym)
100 Meadow
110 Fairy Forest
120 Space (gym)

This route does not offer repeated chances to fight a gym leader in Space if you fail the 16.5% chance to enter it from Meadow/Fairy Forest.

The only gym leader here is Giovani.

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 20; final wave in route 80

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains (gym)
30 Metropolis
40 Slum
50 Construction Site (gym)
60 Power Plant
70 Factory
80 Laboratory (gym)

Recovery route, waves 80-140

Final wave of area Area
80 Plains (gym)
90 Metropolis
100 Slum
110 Construction Site (gym)
120 Power Plant
130 Factory
140 Laboratory (gym)

The first route, with gyms starting at wave 30; final wave in route 90

Final wave of area Area
10 Town
20 Plains
30 Metropolis (gym)
40 Slum
50 Construction Site
60 Dojo (gym)
70 Plains
80 Lake
90 Construction Site (gym)
100 Power Plant
110 Factory
120 Laboratory (gym)

Recovery if you miss the 25% chance is similar to recovery starting at wave 20, just add 40 to the wave numbers to end at wave 180

  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/guides/rare_biome_gyms.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/30 08:13
  • by flabort