
Translations of this page:

Biome Cycles

Due to the interconnected nature of PokeRogue's world, it is possible to revisit a biome after you leave it. With the right movement, it can be possible to revisit a biome very quickly and hunt for specific Pokemon within it. This page documents the shortest possible path to revisit every biome in the game (except Town, which can never be revisited).

To interpret the following maps, each shaded region describes a cycle, such that if you followed the transition arrows around the edge of the shaded region, you would quickly return to where you started. Since different cycles overlap with each other, multiple maps have been created to show all relevant cycles.

A green dot on a biome indicates that the associated cycle is the fastest possible cycle for that biome. Put another way, the lack of a green dot on a biome indicates that its fastest cycle is instead found on one of the other images. Every biome has at least one fastest cycle but some are tied between two possible cycles, each equally fast for that biome.

(This last cycle, which is the fastest route for Desert and Ruins, is tied for speed with a different cycle on the previous map, also optimal for Desert and Ruins. Due to the way they overlap, a separate map for this alternate route was needed.)

Some biomes are exceptionally hard to get to, even with the Map. There is no route that guarantees access to them, so the most that can be done is revisit one or more of the biomes that might lead to them and repeat that loop until the route appears.

There are five of these biomes: Island, Wasteland, Fairy Cave, Space, and Laboratory. Of these five, Island, Fairy Cave, and Laboratory each have only one access point, which makes grinding them simple: just return to their one access point as frequently as possible. This would be Beach (for Island), Meadow (for Fairy Cave), and Factory (for Laboratory).

By contrast, Wasteland and Space can each be accessed from two different biomes, which opens up more complicated routes if you want to return to their access points. For both of these biomes, returning to Abyss is the fastest route. However, if you wish to explore more of the map while still maintaining a fast pace, the following routes loop between both access points instead of returning to just one.

With this path it is possible to reach both of Wasteland's access points every 12 biomes. It is slower than revisiting Abyss twice, but also lets you visit the Mountain, Volcano, and Sea biomes along the way, among others.

This path takes you back and forth between Meadow and Abyss every 11 biomes, bringing you through the Desert and Forest biomes along the way, as well as Fairy Cave if you win the coinflip. You visit a biome that could access Space approximately 1.5 times every 11 biomes, slower than looping Abyss, in exchange for greater biome diversity along the way.

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  • Last modified: 2024/06/18 17:42
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