
Translations of this page:

In PokéRogue's Classic, Challenge and Daily game modes, Pokemon Trainers can challenge you to a battle just like in the mainline games, you cannot catch these trainers pokemon, and you receive money upon defeating them.

For the majority of trainers, each trainer type has a defined list of pokemon that they can have in their party, however as the game state progresses trainers may have more slots in their party than they have defined pokemon, in these instances, they will acquire random team members that match the critera for their specialty type. (i.e a primarily Water based trainer will acquire a water type pokemon, )

When the game rolls for random pokemon to include on a trainers team if neccessary, there is a list of forbidden pokemon that the game will not consider when choosing pokemon to add to their party, these include:

  • Bloodmoon Ursaluna
  • Eternal Floette
  • Any Pokemon with the Sub Legendary, Legendary, Mythical, or Paradox tags in the code.
  • Any Pokemon that is in its Mega Evolution Form or Gigantimaxed.
  • /var/www/prwiki/data/pages/gameplay/trainers.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/25 00:09
  • by smew